For the financial year 2014, the corporate tax amounts to 26%. Another rate levied on dividends distributed is 10%. For other business entities, such as partnerships and limited partnerships the following should be mentioned: at the first case that the business entity does not have double entry accounting books, faces a tax rate of gains of 26% on taxable income up to 50.000€ while for the extra earnings the rate is 33%. If the business entities keep double entry accounting books, there is a tax rate of 26% for their total gains, plus a tax rate of 10% for the distributed profits.
For individuals there are income tax bracket with many levels with maximum the tax rate of 42%.
Regarding, social security rate, the employee pays 15,5%, while, the the employer pays 24,56%. Overall, the levy amounts to 40,06% for both sides.
Our company, Advanced Consultants SA, will be pleasant to help you in every single matter is related with tax , social security and bookeeping issues in Greece.